Herbie Popnecker

Herbie Popnecker
Examples of Recurring Themes

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Herbie, flying with skates

Herbie Popnecker Examples:
Recurring Gags:
Herbie is Oblivious

Created: 2011-12-28     Updated: 2012-04-11  
Stories: 8     Examples: 9     Links: 11  


While Dad is unobservant, Herbie can be completely unaware of what's going on around him, no matter how spectacular.

In addition to these examples, Herbie is oblivious when he says SOMETHING...?, but that might be because he was sleeping.

Index terms: oblivious, clueless, unaware, unobservant, naive, Richard E. Hughes, Ogden Whitney

A bird tells Herbie about a polka-dotted truck. If only he could locate that truck...
Source: Herbie #2a p.4 (1964-06)
Updated: 2012-04-05
A bird tells Herbie about a polka-dotted truck.
As he nonchalantly walks through a jail wall, Herbie notices something in his pocket.
Source: Herbie #2a p.7 (1964-06)
Updated: 2011-12-28
As he nonchalantly walks through a jail wall , Herbie notices something in his pocket.
Prime Example: Something going on I don't know about... WHAM!
Source: Herbie #4a p.7 (1964-09)
Updated: 2011-12-28
Prime Example : Something going on I don't know about...
BONK! Say, are you trying to hit me? BLONK! Luckily, Herbie can't be hurt.
Source: Herbie #6a p.6 (1964-12)
Updated: 2011-12-28
What scale? CRASH!
Source: Herbie #10b p.2 (1965-06)
Updated: 2011-12-28
What scale?
During the commotion, Herbie thinks about lollipop flavors.
Source: Herbie #13a p.5 (1965-10)
Updated: 2012-04-05
During the commotion, Herbie thinks about lollipop flavors.
Nice giving presents to folks like them... Grateful...
Source: Herbie #14b p.9 (1965-12)
Updated: 2011-12-28
Nice giving presents to folks like them...
Fat Fury doesn't notice a tank ramming him and barely notices machine-gun fire Something...?
Source: Herbie #16a p.11 (1966-03)
Updated: 2012-04-05
Fat Fury doesn't notice a tank ramming him and barely notices machine-gun fire Something...?
Herbie seems unaware that he's being tomahawked.
Source: Herbie #17a p.7 (1966-04)
Updated: 2012-04-11
Herbie seems unaware that he's being tomahawked.