Herbie Popnecker

Herbie Popnecker
Examples of Recurring Themes

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Herbie Popnecker Examples:
Recurring Gags:
Herbie Places Adversaries on Mountain Tops

Created: 2004-10-04     Updated: 2012-04-24  
Stories: 3     Examples: 3     Links: 2  


Herbie puts his foes on mountain tops because it leaves them with no options. They are defeated non-violently.

Index terms: now what, oh great, what now, non-violence, defeated, Richard E. Hughes, Ogden Whitney

Prime Example: First an elephant gets on Herbie's bad side, gets swung, and landed on a mountain top
Source: Herbie #5a p.10 (1964-10)
Updated: 2004-10-04
Prime Example : First an elephant gets on Herbie's bad side, gets swung , and landed on a mountain top
The next issue, a saber tooth tiger gets the same treatment and refers to the previous issue
Source: Herbie #6a p.7 (1964-12)
Updated: 2004-10-04
The next issue, a saber tooth tiger gets the same treatment and refers to the previous issue
In #16a, some Red Chinese submarines suffered the same humiliation
Source: Herbie #16a p.8 (1966-03)
Updated: 2004-10-04
In #16a , some Red Chinese submarines suffered the same humiliation